CAP URDET – Venta y Distribucion Productos Gourmet

The 5 most common mushrooms in Spain

The world of mushrooms is really exciting in all its facets, from the search for them in the forests of our country to their great contribution to our kitchens.

5 most common mushrooms in our forests

1.Wild mushroom

The wild mushroom is one of the best known edible mushrooms harvested in Spain. It can be recognised by its white cap, which tends towards a greyish or pinkish tone, and its size varies between 3 and 12 cm in diameter. Its lamellae are pinkish-white, evolving to dark brown and then to black. It can be found from early spring to late autumn in meadows and pastures.


It is considered one of the best edible mushrooms in Spain, it is exquisite and can be eaten in various ways. It has a large cap with a diameter varying between 8 and 25 cm and an orangey colour, sometimes tending towards a yellowish tone. It is found in holm oak and cork oak forests as well as in limestone soils of chestnut and oak trees. Its best season is in autumn and also in summer.

3.Edible ticket

This mushroom, also known as mushroom or pumpkin mushroom, is a highly regarded mushroom by amateurs and professional chefs due to its sweet taste, texture and consistency. It is characterised by a variable colour, whitish when young, turning brownish-brown as it ages. It can be found from late summer to late autumn under hardwoods or conifers.


The chanterelle is another of the most common edible mushrooms in Spain, both for its good taste and abundance. It is recognisable by its convex, brittle and fleshy cap, which can be up to 15 cm in diameter. It has an orange-reddish colour and as it ripens some green spots appear. It appears in autumn and early winter in young pine forests.

5.The chanterelle

This type of mushroom is easy to recognise by its funnel-shaped cap and yellowish colour. It also has yellow folds and a dry cuticle that can be easily detached. It is very fleshy with a fruity flavour and sometimes a touch bitter and can be found in autumn in oak, beech and pine forests.

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